

Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project (VMFRP) management

The Mallee CMA is seeking suitably qualified and experienced consultants in environmental water management, project management, environmental engineering, hydrology and regulatory approvals to support the delivery of VMFRP.   

Mallee CMA requires the service providers to provide a schedule of rates and availability up to December 2025, 38 hours per week (5 days a week), according to required tasks and deadlines, (subject to demand). The engagement will be based on delivery of set tasks and agreed timelines. Agreed timelines may be full time, fixed term for a specific component of the project or as required for support up to December 2025.

Further information, including the invitation for supply, can be found at:
Buying for Victoria

Tender closes Wednesday 18th September 2024.

Labour Hire Provider

The Mallee CMA is seeking services of an employment provider (labour hire) to employ Non-Registered Aboriginal Parties, Traditional Owners, and Indigenous stakeholders to participate in the planning and implementation of engagement and fieldwork in areas between Nyah and Red Cliffs for a period of up to 3 years.

Further information, including the invitation for supply, can be found at:

Buying for Victoria

Tender closes Friday 20th September 2024