

Waterways in the Mallee

Rivers and Wetlands

Rivers, wetlands and their associated anabranches and floodplains are a defining feature of the Mallee region, as the health of these waterways and floodplains are fundamental to the region’s environmental, social and economic future.

The north and east of the Mallee region is dominated by the Murray River, its anabranches, distributor channels and associated wetland systems. In the south east of the region north-flowing intermittent streams, including the Yarriambiack Creek and Outlet Creek terminate in a number of ephemeral wetland complexes including the Wirrengren Plain, Lake Corrong and Lake Lascelles. In the east, two effluent streams of the Avoca River system, Tyrrell Creek and Lalbert Creek, empty into a number of large terminal saline wetlands, including lakes Timboram and Tyrrell.

The wetlands, river channels and riparian vegetation of the region’s waterways and floodplains provide diverse habitat for a variety of aquatic and terrestrial species and also provide important ecological services. The protection of these assets from a range of threatening processes, and their restoration, are ongoing priorities.

Water for the environment

Environmental Watering Management Plans

Environmental Water Management Plans (EWMPs) outline the long-term environmental objectives for wetlands and other waterways that receive environmental water. EWMPs are science-based planning documents that help inform the development of annual seasonal watering proposals.

The Mallee CMA region has 32 EWMPs covering a number of wetland systems. EWMPs are updated on a rolling annual cycle.

Seasonal Watering Proposals

The Seasonal Watering Plan is informed by the Seasonal Watering Proposals prepared by Catchment Management Authorities across Victoria. 

The Mallee CMA prepared the following proposals, which were informed by consultation with Traditional Owners, stakeholders and community members.

Seasonal Watering Plan

The Seasonal Watering Plan is a state-wide plan outlining where, when, and why water for the environment can be delivered throughout Victorian waterways.

You can view the latest Seasonal Watering Plan on the Victorian Environmental Water Holder’s website.