
Executive & Staff

Jenny Collins EMT Pic
Jenny Collins

Chief Executive Officer

Committed to both her community and the environment, Jenny has a deep understanding of issues facing the Mallee. Jenny was born and raised in the local region and holds qualifications in geology, environmental education and governance.  Jenny has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Mallee CMA since 2006 and is actively involved in a number of committees and boards at regional and state levels, spanning the water, environment and industry sectors. Jenny is passionate about the Victorian Mallee and attracting strong investment in the region from Commonwealth and state programs. Jenny is Chair of the Victorian Catchment Management Authorities CEOs’ Forum and was named in the 2018 Top 50 Public Sector Women in Victoria.

Jenny’s LinkedIn Profile


Meagan Crozier EMT Pic
Meagan Crozier

Chief Finance Officer

Meagan is a Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) who has worked in government, not-for-profit and for-profit sectors.  Meagan has been with the Mallee CMA since 2014 and is the Chief Financial Officer, responsible for financial accounting, advising on long-term business and financial planning, and overseeing the preparation of financial reporting.

She also manages the effectiveness of the Mallee CMA’s audit arrangements, the efficient and effective use of resources, corporate governance and compliance, as well as human resources, information technology and compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 quality assurance program.  Megan has extensive finance and strategic leadership skills, with more than 15 years of experience at an executive management level.

James Kellerman EMT Pic
James Kellerman

General Manager Operations and Community

James oversees a diverse portfolio of projects at the Mallee CMA, encompassing management of salinity, irrigation development, biodiversity projects, flood management, integrated catchment management, Landcare, community engagement and Aboriginal and cultural heritage.

James holds a bachelor of Agricultural Science, a Masters of Rural Systems Management, and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

James joined the Mallee CMA three years ago after working on Australia’s largest irrigation infrastructure renewal project. He has also previously worked in social research and economics with the Victorian State Government. 

James’s LinkedIn Profile

Jo Latta EMT Pic
Jo Latta

General Manager Operations and Strategy

After working as a Farming Systems Research Scientist with the Victorian Department of Primary Industries, Jo joined the Mallee CMA in 2002. Jo has held several key roles in the organisation including management of our Land, Biodiversity and Strategic Planning Programs. 

As General Manager Operations and Strategy, Jo is responsible for developing and implementing a robust strategic framework for the organisation, supported by rigorous monitoring and evaluation activities.

Our Team​

The Mallee Catchment Management Authority team is based at the Agriculture Victoria Centre in Irymple in the north west of Victoria.

The organisational structure of the Mallee CMA provides a framework for the integrated and effective management of the region’s key assets. This structure allows for efficient program planning across all areas of operation and the sharing of resources, where possible, with partner agencies and the community.

The Authority’s day to day business is achieved under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer who reports to the government appointed Board.